Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How the author ENGAGED me

I read the book, Tiger Rising. The author engaged me by using so strong words, and idioms. I only read chapter 1-2 and I really want to read chapter 3. My favorite sentence is "The bullies were like a guard dog not fed for a long time." because you all know a guard dog, it guards a place, and it is very negative and mean, but if the dog is hungry, he will be wanting to bite you. I think the author described the mean bullies as the negative guard dog. Can't you just picture the nasty bullies waiting for Rob to come out? Oh yes, and Rob is a boy in this book. his mother died and his dad slapped him when he was crying because of it. He is a poor little guy.

1 comment:

  1. Kate DiCamillo does use strong words, doesn't she? I like how she brings out emotions. So far, she has written with dark and negative words. I like how you say "Can't you just picture..." Any author who can make the reader visualize, in my opinion, is a very good author. I cannot wait to see how this book progresses. I like reading a book for the first time with my students. :) I can predict right along with you.
